
The manga is read in the classic way from right to left. All pages drawn by Angelfeather13. We prohibit any copy/use for non-private purposes. We recommend the manga from the age of 12, as the pages may contain violence, minor insults and sexual references (no eroticism). The manga is censored and doesn‘t contain any scenes/images that would have to be released for older people (e.g. over 16 years of age). We would like to point out once again the protection of minors and ask parents to install an appropriate program to protect their children. All our pages are equipped with a corresponding label. We recommend downloading the youth protection program: Attention! The manga isn‘t in the order of the story; i.e. it doesn‘t begin with Angelwhispers Part 1 or The Prophecy of Light Part 1. There may also be some design differences here and there. We hope you enjoy reading!
12+ Youth Protection Program Manga Manga
Copyright 2009 - 2024 Karasu no shugo tenshi The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. The image rights are owned by the following artists and companies: Angelfeather13 MAGIX Software GmbH Website by Luna42 - About us - Contact - Comissions - Links us - Imprint & Privacy


The manga is read in the classic way from right to left. All pages drawn by Angelfeather13. We prohibit any copy/use for non- private purposes. We recommend the manga from the age of 12, as the pages may contain violence, minor insults and sexual references (no eroticism). The manga is censored and doesn‘t contain any scenes/images that would have to be released for older people (e.g. over 16 years of age). We would like to point out once again the protection of minors and ask parents to install an appropriate program to protect their children. All our pages are equipped with a corresponding label. We recommend downloading the youth protection program: Attention! The manga isn‘t in the order of the story; i.e. it doesn‘t begin with Angelwhispers Part 1 or The Prophecy of Light Part 1. There may also be some design differences here and there. We hope you enjoy reading!
Youth Protection Program
Copyright 2009 - 2024 Karasu no shugo tenshi The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. The image rights are owned by the following artists and companies: Angelfeather13 MAGIX Software GmbH